Tuesday, May 15, 2012

THE CHRISTIAN POST: Tuesday May 15 2012 Iyyar 23, 5772

thom rainer
(Photo: James Yates)

Church Trend Analyst on Things That Will Not Change

By Alex Murashko

Amid all the changes in the Church, there are seven constants that can remind pastors and laypeople about what really matters, says a leading church trend analyst.

Breakaway Anglican Congregation Has Its Last Sunday at Va. Property

By Michael Gryboski

A departing Anglican congregation held its final services at a Virginia church property that they lost to The Episcopal Church in a years-long court battle.



NY Child Porn Decision Receives Backlash

By Michael Gryboski

A recent New York State Court of Appeals decision that said viewing child porn is legal has received backlash from the public and the legislative arena.

President Barack Obama's endorsement of same-sex marriage is still making headlines, and Newsweek's upcoming colorful cover showing Obama with a rainbow halo with the label "The First Gay President" has some Twitter users expressing everything from amusement to criticism.

Ron Paul, the last Republican campaigning against Mitt Romney, has announced that he will no longer "actively campaign" in the 2012 race.

A Colorado appeals court ruled last week that the state governors' previous proclamations regarding the National Day of Prayer were unconstitutional as they implied a "government endorsement of religion over nonreligion."

Church & Ministries


Black Pastors Speak Out on Obama's Gay Marriage Stance

By Anugrah Kumar

Black pastors across the country dwelt on President Barack Obama's stance during worship services Sunday, after Obama's May 9 announcement that he supports gay marriage.

Behind Easter and Christmas, Mother's Day draws the highest attendance in U.S. churches, a recent study shows. LifeWay Research, a Christian research center, asked 1,000 Protestant pastors what the three highest attendance Sundays were

Bishop T.D. Jakes has started a new campaign offering free prescription drug discounts that will purportedly give patients up to 75 percent off medications at thousands of pharmacies across the country.

The Girl Scouts of the USA have long been facing complaints by Catholic representatives accusing the organization of supporting abortion and artificial birth control, and now it finds itself under an ongoing review by the nation's Roman Catholic bishops.

Pat Robertson Says Jesus Not in Race, But Romney Will Do

Televangelist Pat Robertson suggested on his "700 ...

Stephen Colbert Argues Christ Never Condemned Gay Marriage

Comedy Central's mock-news host Stephen Colbert ...

House Passed Bill Seeks to End Illegal Immigrant Tax Loophole

The U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill ...

Evangelist Urges Christians to 'Vote for Jesus,' Not Obama or Romney

Bill Keller, an Internet evangelist who runs LivePrayer.com, has launched a new campaign urging Americans to vote for Jesus instead of Mitt Romney or President Barack Obama in November's general election. The minister says the ...

Nancy Pelosi's Religion 'Compels' Her to Support Same-Sex Marriage

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif) said ...

Poll: Obama's Gay Marriage Stance Could Cost Him Votes

A new poll shows that President Barack Obama's ...

More Blogs

Chaplain's Thomas Kinkade Death Perspective

By Rev. Austin Miles "The Painter of Light," has ...

Why People Do Not Have To Stay Gay

This last week I have ran into more people that ...

A Biography of Jesus (BOOK EXCERPT, PT 2)

The Book Stop Blog is featuring excerpts from A ...

Does Protesting Gay Marriage Advance the Gospel?

Before you read this, if you aren’t familiar ...


Kevin Durant of the Oklahoma City Thunder reads the Bible before his games.

Kevin Durant and Oklahoma City Thunder Inspire Baptists to Spread Word of Jesus

By Christine Thomasos

Kevin Durant and Derek Fisher are two popular Oklahoma City players who have been vocal about their Christian faith over their careers, and have now inspired Baptists in Oklahoma to spread the message of Jesus Christ.

ABC has cancelled its freshman series with the controversial title "GCB," which some believed mocked Christians, as it failed to attract enough viewership.

Manny Pacquiao, Christian Filipino boxer and congressman, has reportedly disagreed with President Barack Obama's support of redefining marriage to include same-sex couples, and has insisted people should always put God's word first.



Thousands Deported From Sudan While Violence Continues

By Luiza Oleszczuk

The government of Sudan, a mostly-Muslim East African nation, has begun airlifting an estimated 15,000 people to the mostly-Christian South Sudan, after all ethnic Southerners were dismissed from Sudan's civil service following the country's secession last year.

The organizers of a marriage conference in Britain have been told they can no longer hold the event on their regular hired premises because they support the biblical definition of marriage as between one man and one woman.

Refugee pastors are asking Christians to pray for peace between Sudan and South Sudan.

The two front-runners for the Egyptian presidency recently faced off during the country's first televised presidential debate, with religion and Islamic law dominating the discussion.

Tech & Biz

Stand Up And Pray

'Stand Up And Pray' Website Unites Believers and Social Media

By Vincent Funaro

Believers all over the world can now join each other online and exchange prayer requests with the new Stand Up And Pray Facebook application created by Christian entertainment company EGT.

A billionaire co-founder of Facebook has renounced his United States citizenship ahead of the company's initial public offering— a move that analysts say is becoming more common among wealthy Americans.

Apple has not yet decided on the final design for the iPhone 5, according to a recent report from iMore.com.

Samsung recently announced that it would be releasing a series of different accessories for the Galaxy S3 smartphone.

If We Believe All the Same Things, Why Do Our Churches Seem So Different?

By Kevin DeYoung

Here are ten things that distinguish between what I would call a vibrant, robust Bible-believing church and one that gets the statement of faith right but feels totally different.


How to Answer Arguments in Favor of Abortion

By June Hunt

June Hunt

Imagine it's your first night hosting a national call-in counseling broadcast. The program is live, your calls aren't screened and no topic is taboo. The theme music plays ... the producer counts down the seconds ... "three, two, one, you're on!" Then, you hear these exact words: "I was attacked two months ago, and I am pregnant through rape."


The White House Mystique and the Washington Warp

By Wallace Henley

wallace henley

The defeat last week of Senator Richard Lugar (R-Ind) in the Indiana GOP primary sends the ominous rumble of war drums out across the political landscape. No doubt the scary reverberations have reached as far as Utah, and the ears of another Republican, Senator Orrin Hatch.


Social Conservatives, Get Ready to Rumble

By Ken Connor

Ken Connor

Oh, the irony of it all. For the past two years, the Republican establishment has been insisting that the only effective way to beat President Obama in 2012 is to set contentious social issues aside and focus like a laser on the economy.


Adoniram Judson: Endurance Personified in the Life of Burma's First Protestant Missionary From North America

By Paul Borthwick

Adoniram Judson

As we celebrate the 200th anniversary of Adoniram and Ann Judson's sailing from Salem, Massachusetts to India and later Burma, we are not merely celebrating a critical early event in the North American Mission Movement. We celebrate the life of a devoted follower of Christ whose life and ministry personified the long-term impact of endurance, perseverance, and tenacity.


Jonathan Falwell: Culture Is Redefining What's Right, Wrong

By Lillian Kwon

Jonathan Falwell

Joining pastors throughout the country in denouncing President Barack Obama's support for same-sex marriage, Pastor Jonathan Falwell told thousands from the pulpit that they must protect the biblical definition of marriage, even if the culture and the president tries to redefine it.


Should Anyone Planning to Sin Be Baptized?

By Dan Delzell

Elevation Church

Each one of us is a sinner. There is no getting around it. So what is the difference between a sinner who has been saved by God's grace, and a sinner who is still lost in his sins?


The Battle for Marriage: Imagination, Culture and Politics

By Eric Metaxas

Popular culture, including "Will and Grace," has shaped the way Americans feel about same-sex relationships.


White House Insists Unborn Babies Should Be Counted for Tour

By Virginia Cline

Spain Abortion Rally

In a "crazy" twist the White House is requiring that people registering for a White House Tour also register their unborn children. The White House is now adding unborn babies to their official guest list.


How to Deal With Betrayal

By Perry Noble

Perry Noble

Betrayal is one of the most brutal things a person (especially a pastor) deals with. It hurts ... deeply. Someone who was close to you and who you trusted walked away and they did not do so silently, they left making a lot of noise.


Seven Things in the Church That Will Not Change

By Thom S. Rainer

Thom Rainer

The Bible is still the Word of God. God is still in control. Sometimes the pace of change confuses and disorients us.


The Avengers – Movie Review

By Kelly Reed

The Avengers

Whether he intended to or not, Joss Wheedon has provided an excellent opportunity to connect younger Americans with the values that have made this country great while at the same time giving warning of the path we are on.


How Does the Command to Honor Father, Mother Relate to God?

By John Piper

John Piper

I think the reason there is such a thing as parents is so that children will learn what it means to have God as a parent. And the reason there should be reverence and awe for a mom or a dad is so that a child will learn what reverence and awe for God is like.


Mother's Day and the Infertile

By Russell D. Moore

russell d. moore

Mother's Day is a particularly sensitive time in many congregations, and pastors and church leaders often don't even know it. It is good and right to honor mothers. We must recognize though that many infertile women find this day almost unbearable.


Craig Groeschel on 'Soul Detox,' Taking God's Word Seriously

By Lillian Kwon

Craig Groeschel

Craig Groeschel, considered one of the most influential pastors in the country, wants to help Christians open their eyes to all the "spiritual trash" that has accumulated in their lives.


How Should the Church Love a Gay Couple? (Part 1)

By Paul Stanley

United Methodist Church

How should Christians express love and minster to couples living in a homosexual lifestyle when these couples attend church? Both Christians and non-Christians seemed bewildered by the issue.


The Double-Reach of Self-Righteousness

By Tullian Tchividjian


There's an equally dangerous form of self-righteousness that plagues the unconventional, the liberal, and the non-religious types. We become self-righteous against those who are self-righteous


Five Reasons Christians Should Continue to Oppose Gay Marriage

By Kevin DeYoung

new york gay marriage

It can seem like the whole world is having a gay old time, with conservative Christians the only ones refusing to party. The temptation, then, is for Christians go silent and give up the marriage fight.


President Obama, Same-Sex Marriage, and the Future of Evangelical Response

By Ed Stetzer


Homosexuality is not an easy issue. Christians have said a lot of unhelpful things about the subject over the years-- but that does not mean we cannot say helpful things now.


Spoken Word Poet Jefferson Bethke, Fiancée Talk Faith and Marriage

By Katherine Weber

Spoken Word poet Jefferson Bethke is engaged to marry his girlfriend of two years, Alyssa

Jefferson Bethke, the spoken word poet whose YouTube video "Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus" garnered millions of hits, recently proposed to the woman he has been dating for two years. The couple, who both attend Mars Hill Church, recently shared with The Christian Post their views on marriage, faith and love.


Evolution's End? President Obama Calls for Same-Sex Marriage

By R. Albert Mohler, Jr.

President Obama's call for the legalization of same-sex marriage yesterday is an historic and tragic milestone. An incumbent President of the United States has now called for a transformation of civilization's central institution.


What Maurice Sendak Can Teach the Church

By Russell D. Moore

Where the wild things are

Maurice Sendak, who just died, doesn't seem, at first glance, to have much to teach Christians. After all, he was an atheist with a cynical outlook and a foul mouth.


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