Tuesday, May 15, 2012

PROPHECY WEEKLY UPDATE 6-10: (7) "Jack Kinsella "[Omega Letter] Tuesday May 15 2012 Iyyar 23, 5772

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Tuesday, May 15, 2012   12:14:00 PM
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2 Peter  1 : 14
Knowing that shortly I must put off this my tabernacle, even as our Lord Jesus Christ hath shewed me.
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Bible Prophecy News Christian Current Events

Mob Rule
May 15, 2012 - Perspective on the News 
House Democrats say they plan to offer an amendment that would overturn stand-your-ground laws like the one that Democrats blame for the Trayvon Martin shooting case.
Featured Commentary from the archives of The Omega Letter as originally published ...
Our Mother, Which Aren't in Heaven . . .
August 08, 2011 - In Defense of the Faith 
There is a popular new theory circulating that argues that God is really a "She" rather than a "He." At first blush, that seems like a distinction without a difference.  Who cares whether God is a "He" or a "She?"  


Well, maybe God does.  It would matter to me but I am a real person. And so is God. 

The Omega Letter Christian Intelligence Digest Archives (Daily Briefing Archives)... 
Vol: 128 Issue: 15 - Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Blessed Assurance
I confess that I am still reeling from the news of Grant Jeffrey's passing.  But at the same time, I have supreme confidence that Grant is much happier about his situation than any of us are.
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Featured Commentary from The Omega Letter ...
It Is Well
May 15, 2012 - Witnessing Tools
Pete Garcia
''Christianity has not been tried and found wanting; it has been found difficult and not tried.'' - Gilbert K. Chesterton 

These Guys Mean Business
May 11, 2012 - Israel - Middle East
Alf Cengia
Last Monday Vladimir Putin was sworn in as Russia’s President for another six years, his second run at the job. In his speech he affirmed that Russia would achieve its goals. He said that Russia would be ''a single, united people, if we hold our fatherland dear, strengthen Russian democracy, constitutional rights and freedoms.'' 

Nitpicking THE END THE BOOK: Part One
May 10, 2012 - Testimonials
Kari Velemirovich
Have you heard the end is near?  Well of course you have, or you wouldn’t be at the Omega Letter trying to figure out what in the world is going on? 

Coming Ice Age
May 10, 2012 - Prophecy - Signs
J.L. Robb
And if you believe that, I would like to sell you the London Bridge.  But just 35 years ago, the coming ice age was the big concern.  I was taking an oceanography course at N.C. State in 1973, and the ice age theory was getting government-granted all over the country.  Environmental scientists at major and non-major universities received tax paid funding to “prove” this new theory to be correct.  It’s amazing what scientists can “prove” if they are funded to do so.  Free money for the researchers, at our expense. 

Some Sweet Day
May 09, 2012 - Witnessing Tools
Wendy Wippel
The wedding season is upon us, and you know what that means.  Pass the hankies.  But why do we cry at weddings?  What is it exactly that unleashes those sentimental tears?  Their wedded bliss?  People who (according to the Dixie Cups) will ''never be lonely anymore?'' All those ''happily ever afters?'' 

Mr. Fiat and a Midlife Crisis
May 07, 2012 - Perspective on the News
Ed DeShields
Fiat currency turned forty-one this year and like most forty-somethings it has its aches and pains.  Psychological researchers say you'll face two age-related events that will change your life forever.  The first crisis is adolescence and the second is, you guessed it, turning 40. 

May 05, 2012 - Witnessing Tools
Rebecca Droeger
Anyone who has daughters knows the pains of when they first start becoming interested in boys.  It’s like nothing else in the world matters.  All of the sudden, their interest is in a certain boy.  Morning, noon and night, that’s all they talk about.  They talk on the phone constantly; or nowadays, communicate via text or Facebook.  Blah, blah, blah, blah! 

Reuters Top News 
Pressure rises on JPMorgan over risk, clawbacks
TAMPA, Florida (Reuters) - Shareholders of JPMorgan Chase & Co gathered in the hundreds on Tuesday for its annual meeting, as pressure rises on the bank and Chief Executive Jamie Dimon over billions of dollars in trading losses.
Greece calls new election after coalition talks fail
ATHENS (Reuters) - Greece abandoned a nine-day hunt for a government on Tuesday and called a new election that threatens to hasten the nation's slide towards bankruptcy and a future outside the euro zone.
April retail sales hint at slower spending pace
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Sales at U.S. retailers barely rose in April as the boost from an unseasonably warm winter faded, pointing to some loss of momentum in consumer spending early in the second quarter.
Facebook hikes IPO range to raise $12.1 billion
NEW YORK/SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Facebook Inc has increased the price range in Silicon Valley's biggest-ever initial public offering to raise more than $12 billion, giving the No.1 social network a valuation potentially exceeding $100 billion.
AMR wins labor deals with five union work groups
(Reuters) - Five out of seven work groups represented by the largest labor union at AMR Corp's American Airlines voted to accept contract terms offered by the bankrupt airline, the Transport Workers Union (TWU) said on Tuesday.
Foreigners boost buys of long-term U.S. securities: Treasury
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Foreigners increased purchases of long-dated U.S. securities, including government bonds, in March, the U.S. Treasury said on Tuesday, but lightened up on short-term assets such as bills.
Chesapeake shares drop as loan increased to $4 billion

Hollande sworn in as new French president

Split Syria opposition keeps chief, violence grinds on

Ex-Murdoch editor charged over UK tabloid scandal
Bible Prophecy News Christian Current Events


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 Ready Reasons - Wendy Wippel

Member Contributed Articles
The HarbingerEU super president in the worksBody, Soul, And SpiritSo, What If The Bible Really Is True?Vatican calls for "Central World Bank" to be set-up

Community Empower -Ed DeShields

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