Sunday, May 20, 2012

SUNDAY EDITION 16-20: (20) "Bill O'Reilly" WEEK-IN-REVIEW Sunday May 20, 2012 Iyyar 28, 5772

Bill O'Reilly
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New crossword: The Seven Deadly Sins
Envy, the subject of much discussion these days, is just one of the deadly sins. Wrath is another, so don't become wrathful if you can't solve this week's puzzle. Play online or print it out for the road.
Bill's New Column: Hating the Rich
Bill's new column for this week is now online! This week, Bill takes a look at the promise of a capitalistic America and why income redistribution isn't the right way forward for us.
The Backstage Conversation is back!
 Got a question? Bill has an answer! Check out the newest installment of the Backstage Conversation webcast! France's Strategy
Rhis week's Intelligence Briefing examines the geopolitical strategy of France following the election of a new Socialist president.
Factor Flashback: Dr. Brady Barr
 Take a walk on the wild side with this Factor Flashback clip--this week we look at Bill's interview with Dr. Brady Barr of National Geographic Channel's "Dangerous Encounters."
The O'Quiz: How will you do?
This week's brand new O'Quiz is now online! Can you beat last week's average score?
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At this point, based upon what you've seen, do you believe George Zimmerman will be convicted of second-degree murder?

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oreillyfactor Daily Briefing: Cops, Witnesses Back Up George Zimmerman's Version of Trayvon Martin Shooting – Drugs in Trayvon... · reply · retweet · favorite

oreillyfactor VIDEO: O'Reilly mixes it up with Rachael Ray-- Watch: · reply · retweet · favorite

oreillyfactor VIDEO: Krauthammer's ominous warning! Watch: 1 hour ago · reply · retweet · favorite

TALKING POINTSAnother sign the media wants Barack Obama re-elected
O'REILLY FACTOR CLIPSFeds cracking down on lemonade stands?
VIDEO OF THE DAYKrauthammer's ominous warning
Cops, Witnesses Back Up George Zimmerman's Version of Trayvon Martin Shooting – Drugs in Trayvon Martin’s blood

GSA caught in another spending spree
Federal officials with the same agency that blew $800,000 at a Las Vegas employee conference two years ago are also paying millions every month to rent property that almost nobody in the government uses. 

Alligator attacks scientist!
Watch it HERE.

Networks Targeted Romney’s Wealth 13 Times More Than Richer Sen. Kerry

Chaplain group claims religion under attack in military
Military chaplains and service members opposed to same-sex marriage are coming under attack in the military, according to Republican lawmakers and a chaplain advocacy group.

With all other problems solved, Oregon bans Native American mascots in schools

Kucinich: 'We're getting ready for war against Iran'

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