Tuesday, July 3, 2012

LEADERSHIP PRINCIPLES: " Your team just doesn’t get it?"

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Michael James Stone
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 " Your team just doesn’t get it?"
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Does it seem at times like your team just doesn’t get it? (211-2)

Written by Barry Werner 

The wise leader understands that learning is a process.

Read John 6:25-59.

In John 6:1-15 Jesus demonstrated His miraculous power by multiplying a few loaves of bread and some small fish to feed around 5,000 people. 

Through this miracle Jesus created a learning environment for His disciples to understand an even deeper truth about His mission. A note in The Leadership Bible by Zondervon puts it this way:

“Jesus knew that His followers would have trouble grasping the significance of His divine nature and His life-changing message. 

The miracle of the feeding of the five thousand and others demonstrated His supernatural power and comprised the disciples’ first loop of learning. The next day He helped them process the message behind the miracle with the second loop when He said, “I am the bread of life.”

As the five loves and two small fish provided life for those who had eaten them, so Jesus would give eternal life to all who would receive Him.”

The Double-Loop learning process is a valuable tool in every leader’s toolbox.

In Marine Corp boot camp we went through the obstacle course twice a week and did close order drill everyday not only for the sake of becoming physically fit and learning how to maneuver in orderly fashion as a unit, that was the first loop; the second loop was we learned teamwork and that each man has a critical role to play for a unit’s success.

Often leaders will take their team to a retreat setting where they go over calendar, strategic plans, timelines, and budgets which is the first loop of learning; they also have people leave their cell phone in their room, eat their meals together, plan in social time, and maybe a rope’s course as the second loop of learning.

It is this second loop that allows each person to get to know their teammate on a social level and better understand their teammate’s strengths and weaknesses. 

As with Jesus, the wise leader understands that often the first loop of learning is the only way the inner-deeper-secret truth of the second loop can be grasped.

Does it seem at times like your team just doesn’t get it? 
Do you think of the “first” and “second” loop learning process as you work with your team? 

The wise leader understands that learning is a process and uses every leadership tool to become effective in helping the team reach a deeper understanding.
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